HTML Code Optimization

HTML Code Optimization Company in Chennai

On-page search engine optimization (SEO) techniques are applied to the code in web pages, filenames, and content. To apply On-page optimization, you need to have a basic understanding of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), which is the programming language used to create web pages. HTML uses commands called tags to tell the browser how to display content. For example, you need to add Meta tags to the tags in HTML documents. These Metadata tags provide information to search engines about your page. You can start building HTML documents using text editors such as TextEdit for the Mac and Notepad for Windows.


HTML source code optimization is a very important thing. This is done for the purpose of SEO. It is very important for success of any website. If the website is well optimized then they can get better ranks of search engines.
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Top seo companies can help you get the job done in the right way. Source code optimization can take place in various way, one of the main ways to do it is the put the keyword in the title. The title should be 60 letters and not more then that. Main keyword should be in the first 35 characters and it is very important the each keyword has a unique title. Seo companies will be able to help you to optimize the html source code.

The H1 tag should be used well and should contain the most important words of the document. The H2 tag should be used throughout the page. Font enhancement should be done with the help of bold and Italic tags which signify the important keyword of the document, this will help the search engine to understand important keywords. The bold tags is one of the most important tag of the document. Links which are related to authoritative websites should be placed as outgoing link this will make the search engine think that your content is good as you only link to quality websites. Also for link to images you should make use of ALT tags. The number of outgoing links should be less than 100 per page which is very important. URL should have keyword in it. Even the file names should have the keyword, this will surely help you to improve the rank of your website. Keywords should be in the domains name. They should be separated with the help of a hash. Do not place the same keyword multiple times in the domain of it can be marked negatively by the search engines. Body text is very important, each page should at least have 100 words, anything less than that will be considered as a spam page , which is not what you want at any cost. Update the page regularly this is something that is liked by the search engines and is something very important and should be considered. Do not repeat the keywords very often as it can be misleading and can create some issues. Take help of best seo companies to get the job done.