advanced django file handling



Search Engine Optimization is termed as the process through which organizations improve their website visibility in any browser. Companies follow various trending strategies to compete among their rivalries to grab the first rank of the browsing page.

Important Facts

  • This web framework can be easily handled and highly suitable for development and testing
  • Django forms are easily approachable in order to convert HTML forms into database storage forms
  • Template system of Django strictly follows the inheritance concept and completely utilize it.
  • Framework is highly consistent of getting several methods.
  • Middleware classes are highly helpful in processing request and highly customize the functionalities.
  • Has an in-built dispatch system which guides components to carry out a strong communication between each other.
  • Peak of language support is witnessed as Django is globalized and its components are also available in several languages.
  • Django is highly capable of representing XML model instances.
  • Highly extensible template engine functionalities.
  • Acts as interface to python by possessing testing framework

Applications used

  • Highly extensible system with highly authenticate functional services
  • Administrative interface is highly impulsive
  • Powerful tools are used to bring in web feeds like RSSand Atom
  • This web framework is highly powerful as they are capable of running multiple websites with different functionalities.
  • Default application settings where enabled in order to prevent web based attacks like cross-site scripting and password cracking.
  • Django is highly helpful for developers in creating an application quickly
  • Websites performing non-stopping functions like Google site mapsuses Django to manage their online traffic
  • Django is well known for its end-end service rendering from content management to computing scientific platfo

version 2.0

This latest version of Django was released in the end of previous calendar year I.e. on December 2017, as expected it has various new in-built features and changes in backward incompatibility

Features included

This version of Django has much more simplified URL routing syntax than the previous one, django.urls.path() where this syntax makes the code more readable.


The current version highly supports mobile devices which is missing in the previous version

Window expression

Using the new window expression feature helps to add an over clause to query sets.

Advanced Django File Handling

  • File handling in Django is widely classified into two categories
  • Static file- This file is created and handled by the developers, these files include Java script files, CSS files or HTML files. These files are stored in the control system aside the codes
  • Media file- These files are provided by the people who possess the website and it may be videos, image or any other kind of transportable and uploading file. This file gets activated once the website is completed.

Django storage class functionalities

  • Storing a bundle of data under a specific class name
  • Storing data under previous class name and re-sending back its URL