
WeAreSouthSudan.com is a completely independent online platform created to develop professional journalism in south Sudan. It is intended to develop an organic practice for supporting journalism because, they believe it is an ultimate contribution to their nation’s democracy. This online website provides end-to-end support in developing a productive journalism which is much needed in South Sudan. iStudio Technologies has sculpted this website frame by frame through inserting proper technologies in different fields of the website. We developed every single field separately and clubbed them together in order to give proper shape in a meaningful way. We have implemented relevant and updated technology for all the fields present in the site to give the end user an awful experience and make them understand the concept much easier. We have deployed self-hosted WordPress technology in order to maintain and update the content by utilizing the base of PHP and MySQL. Similarly client side scripting frameworks were taken care of jQuery JavaScript. RSS Feed plays an important supporting role in updating the news frequently.
