How to do a competitive analysis in digital marketing - istudio technologies

How to do a competitive analysis in digital marketing


A useful method for determining how your business compares to other brands and locating the advantages and disadvantages of other market participants is competitor analysis. In our more than 14 years as a top digital marketing company in Chennai, we’ve been continually surprised by the number of clients and potential customers that don’t perform in-depth market research. It not only provides insights into the areas where your rivals are succeeding, but it may also provide you with fresh digital marketing concepts to incorporate into your plan to boost traffic and conversions.

Competitive analysis

An examination of how your competitors differentiate their brands by looking at their product lineups, marketing plans, brand personas, customer perceptions, and other factors is known as a competitive analysis. Your own company is now better positioned to create new competitive advantages and brand strategies thanks to a thorough competitive study, which swiftly translates into a business and marketing strategy.

iStudio technologies in Chennai is one of the top digital marketing companies that offer the best digital marketing services.

How to Do Competitive Analysis in Digital Marketing

Have a definite marketing objective

What do you hope to achieve with your marketing activities in the end?
Any business owner’s ultimate goal almost always involves increased revenues and decreased running costs, but numerous measures must be completed first. Determine your long-term business goals and how digital marketing fits into those strategies by speaking with your teams. How do researching your rivals’ strategies and online presence help you accomplish these objectives?
Have a definite marketing objective - istudio technologies
If increasing sales is your aim, look at what lead magnets are working and what isn’t, as well as what the competition is doing. Hiring more social media managers and digital marketing company specialists as well as running advertisements on these platforms may be necessary to increase your online visibility. The first step is to choose a marketing objective.

Identify your target audience clearly

Your target customer may not be the same as your target audience, so you should learn more about them and develop well-researched, accurate buyer personas that can help you advertise to them more successfully.
What kinds of websites do your ideal customer access? What types of values, interests, and preferences do they hold? What other types of demography are they likely to belong to, how old are they, and where do they live? Here, both your competitors’ consumers and your prior clients can offer some useful advice.
Discover the branded imagery and material that will most likely appeal to them and compel them to interact with you, as well as the platforms they are most likely to utilize, such as email campaigns or social media.

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Be aware of the digital marketing channels you want to concentrate on

Finding the most effective digital marketing channels may need some trial and error, but you can start by making a list of the locations you believe your target customer is most likely to frequent.

digital marketing channels - istudio technologies
Finding the most effective digital marketing channels may need some trial and error, but you can start by making a list of the locations you believe your target customer is most likely to frequent.
Put channels like social media, email, display ads, YouTube advertising, and content on a list of those that should be prioritized. Find out which ones generate the most and least traction, and why, by getting in contact with a nearby digital marketing company. This will aid in the improvement of your whole marketing plan.

Determine the Main Competitors to Focus On

Now is the time to focus on the competitors you want to research based on the type of customer you’re targeting and the digital marketing channels to emphasize. Ideally, each of the above groupings should have one contestant. Although you might not have much competition depending on your product mix and industry, you should nevertheless attempt to analyze three to five companies.

Examine the websites and digital marketing channels of the competition

Browse the websites, digital marketing platforms, press mentions, and whatever other information you can find about your competitors in-depth.

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Look at how they are handling their branding and messaging, overall internet presence, customer experience, outreach, and other key areas for brand development and continuous business survival.
Why don’t you do this, and what do they now do differently from what you’re doing? What does it seem to work for them? Also, consider any chances they might be missing out on or any less evident drawbacks.
For instance, a website that is challenging to use can neutralize even the most expertly executed advertising efforts and significant social media presence. To strengthen your standing in the market, use this information.

Examine the marketing strategies of rivals

Positioning is all about making your brand stand out in the marketplace. The identical product can be offered by thousands of different brands, but there is a reason why these brands have the reputation and following that they do.
So, tell us how you set yourself apart from your competitors. For instance, you might employ iconography, fonts, or branding markings that are comparable to those of your rivals but employ an entirely different color scheme. If your rival uses a studious and serious tone of voice in their communications, might a global law firm find success with a playful and casual brand voice?
Examine the marketing strategies of rivals
Find ways to set yourself apart from them so that people will remember your brand. Make scorecards for a variety of factors, such as marketing collateral, communication style, client satisfaction, and social media presence. Utilize these scorecards to guide future branding and differentiation efforts, such as content development and thought leadership initiatives (e.g. podcast appearances, and magazine interviews).

Know Your Most Important Performance Indicators

Your company and marketing goals are connected to your key performance indicators (KPIs).
What metrics must you monitor to determine whether you are on track to accomplish your objectives?
Which indicators are crucial for monitoring both the activities of your audience as a whole and your competitors?
While there are several monitoring programs available that can notify you when your company is mentioned on social media, in blog posts, or in the press, Google Analytics includes several goals and event-tracking features that give you a more comprehensive understanding of your audience.
Where are the leads coming from if you create a landing page for a product but it isn’t converting?
How can the KPIs for this landing page be improved?
To make sure that you outrank your rivals for a given set of keywords, you should also set up keyword track metrics. Using this data, make monthly goals and seek for ways to keep raising the bar.

Looking for the best digital marketing services in Chennai, contact us today!

Create a report on the ongoing competitive analysis

Create a report with all of the aforementioned data when a new month starts (preferably Google Data Studio).
You can identify profitable business and marketing opportunities and make more educated decisions with the aid of this information.
Poor KPIs can help you identify ineffective tactics and stop ones that aren’t working so you can stick to your marketing budget and increase the ROI of your digital marketing.

Using SEO services Chennai Learn how to carefully study the data in Google Analytics reports so you may discover fresh information about your target audience and what your rivals are doing in the field of digital marketing. The competitive analysis offers a foundation for enhancing other components of your overall operations and digital marketing initiatives.


Put digital techniques at the core of your company to increase leads, sales, and awareness. You may become a digital leader by mastering iStudio technologies, which will also help you better understand your brand’s and customers’ stories, manage your finances and teams, and improve your digital channels.

Contact iStudio digital marketing company for more information so that our experts can help you decide which option is ideal for your needs.