It is undeniable that voice search has seriously influenced all of us and even mesmerised our thoughts (sometimes).
No one can easily forget the act of Rocco that ordered its favourite snacks from Alexa by imitating its owner’s voice this incident is a very live and impactful example of voice search that has influenced every live thing that persists in this planet which got firmly struck by the waves of technology (exactly say internet).
Voice search is gradually getting converted as the most commendable technology that is not just disrupting the SEO world but also influences web design and development arena without any doubt.
Evolutions are swiftly taking place in website creation and SEO servicing field, and if you are looking for customized SEO services in Chennai, India for the first time then, it is highly suggested to opt-out for an SEO service provider, who delivers voice search enabled services with good quality.
This guide will give you high clarity on the methods to be approached in transforming your website as a voice-friendly one.
Chat Based Search
More than 70% of the searches are carried out using smartphones.
Around 50% of the browser search in 2020 will be voice-based.
Let us assume that you have moved to a new locality and wish to have hair-cut, in this scenario desktop users search with a different style and voice-over user approaches different style, and here they are:
Desktop/Traditional search:
Best Saloon in Anna nagar
Voice Search/New method:
Where can I find best saloon in Anna Nagar?
From this scenario, you would have got a better clarity on the basics of voice search embedded SEO and how it works? SEO companies in Chennai, delivering focused voice-based services will help their clients to deploy the question-based phrases of keywords at the right spot to trigger a high amount of traffic.
Long-tail Keywords

Let’s have another scenario here to explain how voice search works with long-tail keywords and without any question phrases.
Traditional search/Desktop search:
Low-cost vegetarian restaurants in anna Nagar
Voice search/New version:
Suggest vegetarian restaurants in Anna Nagar with low-cost items
Long-tail keywords are not just potent enough to drive more traffic and give better ranking, instead, they are also capable of providing customized search facility, especially when, it comes to voice-over search.
Innovative SEO Agencies in Chennai, India used to incorporate long-tail keyword strategy in a profound way for their clients and also into their website either for normal or voice over SEO.
Featured Snippets

Google gives first preference long-format of content, hoping it would fulfil all the needs of a user in a single click.
Including question phrases as the long-tail keyword will be the best SEO strategy to get featured in the snippet, and this would get followed by a similar set of question-based keywords which expects the answer at different parts of the entire content.
Approaching a highly experienced SEO company in Chennai, India will be the right move to get highlighted into the featured snippet irrespective of the product/service you deliver.
Focus on Title and Descriptions
More than 20% of the mobile search queries are voice-based according to Google’s Review
Similar to SEO that gets consistently changing its algorithm to provide better search result and unbiased ranking its related subsidiaries like meta descriptions and title tags also undergoes frequent changes whenever required to evolve with SEO trends.
Title Tags have updated up to the usage of 80-100 characters, and similarly for meta descriptions, which means it requires the usage of long-tail keywords in it.

Concentrate in Local SEO
Close to 75% of people using smart speakers are doing a local search today.
Performing local SEO will be an effective move towards the implementation of voice search into your website content since the majority of voice search users are looking for local-based products or services implementing the relevant keywords would be logical and profitable for businesses.
By using the service of best SEO company in Chennai, India, you can rank for a better position in Google’s first-page ranking for focused local keywords.
Few more impressive related stats
- A website holding voice seach feature tends to load 52% faster than the average speed of a page.
- Global voice commerce market is expected to grow US$ 40 bn by 2022.
- 31% of smartphone users tries voice search atleast once a week.
- Playing favorite music is the most trendiest search term for voice based search.
- Siri dominates the voice search market share with 48.4%
- The minimum accuracy of voice search is 90%