Mobile App Development Stages and cost breakdown for each development stage_ - IStudio Technologies

Mobile App Development Stages and cost breakdown for each development stage?

You’re only one step away from determining your app’s ultimate development cost.
There’s a lot more to app development than just coding and designing. There are several steps to it, as seen below.
  • Concept
  • Business analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Launch
  • Feedback analysis
  • Upgrade
Each step accounts for a portion of the overall app development cost. As a result, having a thorough grasp of the development process can help you better allocate funds at each step. So, let’s go over the costs and timelines for each stage in detail.

Need to create a mobile app for your business?

Business Analysis / Discovery stage

You have a great concept for a mobile app, but how can you turn it become a reality? This pre-development stage allows your app development provider to understand the technical, development, and business aspects of your app. It is frequently undervalued, but without it, future progress is impossible.
A business analyst confirms your app’s business scope, does competition and market research and creates documentation, an app architectural plan, and a product backlog. User stories in the product backlog aid in the more accurate estimation of development costs and timelines.
Business Analysis_Discovery stage - IStudio Technologies
Business Analysis Phase Cost : From $1,500 to $10,000+
Timeline : 2-4 weeks
Cost contribution : 10% of the whole app development budget

Design Stage

Your app’s UI/UX must be visually appealing to capture users’ attention. The UI designer provides your app with a distinct appearance. And, after behavior research, UX designers methodically construct user experiences to produce particular results. The number of screens, design complexity and specific visual features all affect design expenses, which vary depending on the intended audience.
If you’re working with a limited budget, prioritize the elements or redirect funds from other phases if necessary. It’s also critical to have a working prototype in place before moving on with development.
Design Phase Cost : From a minimum of $2,500 to $10,000
At times, can increase to $25,000-$50,000 or higher for complex apps
Timeline : 2-6 weeks, depending on the complexity
Cost contribution : 10-15% of total app development cost

Are you looking for a mobile app readily available for your customers?

Development Stage

The greatest function of the entire app development process is development or coding, which has a considerable impact on the overall budget. Of course, the cost is determined by a variety of factors, including the app’s complexity, features, platform, development resources, and location, all of which we’ve discussed extensively.
Coding Phase Cost : Between $10,000-$30,000 and above
At times, can even cost $5,000 or less in some cases.

Testing and Deployment stage

To ensure the success of any app development project, testing, quality assurance, and deployment are essential. Even if your software has good functionality, users would abandon it if it has repeated delays or problems.
To make the software faultless and avoid any difficulties or defects when it is released, QA engineers run individual tests for all features and parts of it. App testing, on the other hand, isn’t restricted to this stage. It may be used throughout the development phase to guarantee that the product is functional and of high quality of the app.
There are several testing tools available, and the tools employed will have an impact on the final cost. It will also be impacted by previous development experience with the tools used.
App Testing and Deployment Phase Cost : Cost within $5,000-$10,000
Can costs more than $10,000 depending on the app’s functionality

Launch, Maintenance, and Upgrade

After you’ve designed and deployed a fantastic app, you’ll need to maintain and support it. It’s critical to keep your users pleased and retain them by updating the app to meet their evolving needs. It comprises making essential updates, adding new features, resolving bugs, and performing emergency maintenance. The cost of app infrastructure services such as servers, databases, and third-party services is also included.
App Maintenance Phase Cost : Costs less than $5000 or $5000-$10,000 annually
Cost contribution : 10-20% of the original app development budget
Some app development businesses additionally provide free maintenance for a few months or at regular intervals after the app is out. It is preferable to guarantee that you benefit from such services and that you have room in your budget for any unexpected charges.
The following is a list of maintenance expenditures, which includes any extra unexpected fees you may incur throughout the app development process, launch, and post-launch.
  • App Release
  • Updates
  • Updates
  • Bug Fixes
  • Hosting
  • Third-party services
  • Analysis and Monitoring
  • Project Management Cost
  • App Marketing Cost
  • App Patenting Cost

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Concluding Notes – App Development Cost

So, how much does developing a mobile app cost? So, it’s apparent that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It relies on a variety of elements related to your app concept and development process. Taking into account all of the contributing factors should help you come to a close estimate of how much it will cost to convert your brilliant app concept into a reality.
We will help you in attaining the complete digital transformation with our speculative mobile app development services. We have experts in native android app development, iOS app development, hybrid mobile app development, and cross-platform app development. Through expertise and innovation, we can assure you that the app we deliver will satisfy your needs. We have great experience as a mobile app development company in Chennai, India with professional developers creating exceptional mobile apps for various business sectors.
Contact us online or call us at 088070 30902 to discuss your business mobile app with our experts.

Need to create a mobile app for your business?